
среда, 19 сентября 2012 г.

Save The Arctic campaigne

First, as it was promised the reindeer picture:

Second, a very good news for all of you who took part in Save The Arctic campaigne:

"Dear friend, 

Today, I have very good news: Shell Alaska have announced that they are stopping their drilling plans in the Arctic Chukchi and Beaufort Seas this year.

Thanks to you, Shell has been put under close examination all year, and not a day went by when they did not hear from someone protesting against their reckless operations. So when their containment dome got damaged this weekend, they knew they would not be able to escape your scrutiny and had no other choice than to cancel their operations for this year.

Shell will try to come back to Alaska - and with you, we will do our best to stop them. There are already 1.8 million people in the movement to save the Arctic, but to stop Arctic drilling for good, we need to be many more.

Thank you,


(Ben is Ben Ayliffe, Lead Polar Campaigner, Greenpeace https://twitter.com/benayliffe)

We are cool, aren't we?

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